About me

Elegant as simplicity and warm as ecstasy

You’re intelligent, charming and very likely accomplished. You have impeccable taste and class, with an understanding of the value of intellect as much as the physical.  You could have it all …  I plan to indulge you whenever the opportunity presents. Your opinions conversation and company matter to me. If you value exclusivity, genuine connection and discretion then we are on our way. Sit back and relax as we get to know each other.

My interests are varied, and I love experiencing new adventures and travel.

Let’s set up a time to meet.

Audrey... Luxury Courtesan Defined

Where wisdom meets allure.

Sensual Erotic Fantasies are Unique

I am a woman who understands a man’s needs and the many and varied things that turn you on. I am a great actress and advertise role plays, but I am only interested in setting up role plays with men who will invest the time communicating the fantasy with me. Describing the venue, the clothes the words etc…

It needs to be a perfect experience or it will be a disappointment to us both. And I hate to be disappoint and to be disappointed!!! My rates are expensive …a man with a fantasy deserves perfection…

Life is too short guys… Contact me up front for my time and let’s talk through your fantasy.

Book Me!